11 Things to Shop at New York’s Pin & Patch Show

My Instagram feed is, at this point, largely a sea of patch- and pin-makers. Just when I think that over the past two years or so, I’ve hit “follow” on enough to reach the point of saturation, a late-night Instagram k-hole leads me to another, and another.
For a sampling of some of New York’s finest, head to this week’s Pin & Patch Show, a showcase of 11 top-notch, NYC-based creators, organized by Strike Gently Co., and featuring artists whose Instagram handles—if not names—are perhaps familiar to you.
When so many high-end brands are suddenly sending out pricey takes on pieces like these (and plenty of mass-market retailers are going so far as to directly lift designs), it’s a great opportunity to show up and support independent artists with your wallet. Here, 11 pieces to shop; your jacket and jeans will thank you.